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5 - The Brrrgh

5.1 - Gag Training
5.2 - 50 Gag Pouch
5.3 - 50 Gag Pouch
5.4 - Carry 120 Jellybeans
5.5 - Carry 4 ToonTasks (March Harry)
5.6 - Carry 4 ToonTasks (Hysterical Harry)
5.7 - Teleport access to The Brrrgh
5.8 - +1 Laff (Chicken Boy)
5.9 - +1 Laff (Wynne Chill)
5.10 - +1 Laff (Eddie the Yeti)
5.11 - +2 Laff
5.12 - +3 Laff
5.13 - Final Gag Training

5.1 - Gag Training

HQ Officer:
This neighborhood is pretty tough...
You might want to learn some new tricks.
Lil Oldman taught me everything I know, so maybe he can help you too.
Lil Oldman's building is called "The Blizzard Wizard"...
...which is on Walrus Way in The Brrrgh.
So long, [Toon Name].

Lil Oldman:
Ahh, so welcome, new apprentice.
I know all there is to know about the pie game.
But before we can begin your training, a small demonstration is necessary.
Go out and defeat ten of the largest Cogs.

Lil Oldman:
Now demonstrate your skill as a fisherman.
I dropped three fuzzy dice in the pond yesterday.
Fish them out and bring them to me.

Lil Oldman:
Aha! These dice will look great hanging from the rearview mirror of my ox cart!
Now, show me that you can tell your enemies from one another.
Return when you have restored two of the tallest Bossbot buildings.

Lil Oldman:
Now you are ready.
Go out and walk the earth until you know which track you would like to choose.
Choose wisely because this is your final track.
When you are certain, return to me.
Good luck. Return to me when you have mastered your new skill.

Lil Oldman:
Very wise choice!
You can now train for "[Chosen Track]" gags.
Good luck. Return to me when you have mastered your new skill.

5.2 - 50 Gag Pouch

HQ Officer:
The Brrrgh has been overrun with some of the toughest Cogs we've seen yet.
You will probably want to carry more gags around here.
I hear Toboggan Ted may have a large bag you can use to carry more gags.
Toboggan Ted's building is called "Toboggan or Not Toboggan"...
...which is on Walrus Way in The Brrrgh.
See you later!

Toboggan Ted:
What's that? You want a bag?
I had one somewhere around here... maybe it's in my toboggan?
Only... I haven't seen my toboggan since the big race!
Maybe one of those Cogs took it?
Have you seen my toboggan?

Toboggan Ted:
Is that my toboggan? I don't see any bag here.
I think Bumpy Noggin was on the team... maybe he has it?
Bumpy Noggin's building is called "Noggin's Toboggan Bargains"...
...which is on Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.

Bumpy Noggin:
Huh? Ted who? A bag?
Oh, maybe he was on our toboggan team?
My head hurts so much I can't think straight.
Could you fish me out some ice cubes from the frozen pond for my head?

Bumpy Noggin:
Ahhh, that feels much better!
So you're looking for Ted's bag, huh?
I think it ended up on Sam Simian's head after the crash.
Simian Sam's building is called "Lowbrow Snowplows"...
...which is on this street.

Simian Sam:
What is bag? Who is Bompy?
Me scared of buildings! You beat buildings, I give you bag!

Simian Sam:
Ooooh! Me like you!
Go to Ski Clinic. Bag there.

Henry the Hazard:
Man, that Simian Sam is crazy!
If you're wild like Sam, I'll give you your bag, man.
Go bag some Cogs for your bag, man! Hey now!

Henry the Hazard:
Hey, you are pretty wild! That was a heap of Cogs you bagged!
Here's your bag!
With this Large Gag Bag, you can now carry 50 gags.

5.3 - 50 Gag Pouch

HQ Officer:
The Brrrgh is teeming with very dangerous Cogs.
If I were you, I'd carry more gags around here.
I hear Johnny Cashmere can make you a large bag if you are willing to do the legwork.
Johnny Cashmere's building is called "The Sweater Lodge"...
...which is on Polar Place in The Brrrgh.
See ya, [Toon Name]!

Johnny Cashmere:
A bigger bag?
I could probably whip one up for ya.
I'll need some yarn though.
Some Lawbots made off with mine yesterday morning.

Johnny Cashmere:
That there's some fine yarn!
Not my first choice of color though.
Tell you what...
You go out there and beat up some of the tougher cogs...
And I'll get to work dyeing this yarn.

Johnny Cashmere:
Well, the yarn is all dyed. But we've got a small problem.
I can't find my knitting needles anywhere.
Last place I saw them was down at the pond.

Johnny Cashmere:
Those are my needles alright.
While I'm knitting, why don't you go clear some of them big buildings?
Much obliged!

Johnny Cashmere:
Great work!
And speaking of great work...
Here's your new bag!
You get a Large bag. You can now carry 50 gags.
Much obliged!

5.4 - Carry 120 Jellybeans

HQ Officer:
Vidalia VaVoom is secretly in love with someone in the neighborhood.
If you help her, she may reward you handsomely.
Vidalia VaVoom's building is called "Snow Bunny Ski Shop"...
...which is on Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.
So long, [Toon Name].

Vidalia VaVoom:
I spent all night last night writing a letter to the dog I love.
But before I could deliver it, one of those nasty Mingler Cogs came in and took it.
Can you get it back for me?
Boo hoo.

Vidalia VaVoom:
Oh, thank you for finding my letter!
Please, please, please could you deliver it to the most handsome dog in the neighborhood?

Snooty Sinjin:
I can't be bothered with your letter, you see.
All my doggies have been taken from me!
If you bring them back, maybe we can talk then.

Snooty Sinjin:
Thank you for bringing back my little beauties.
Let's take a look at your letter now... Mmmm, it seems I have yet another secret admirer.
This calls for a trip to my dear friend Carl.
I'm sure you'll like him immensely.
Creepy Carl's building is called "Ice House Jewelry"...
...which is on this street.

Creepy Carl:
Who sent you to us? We don't like Snootsies much, we don't...
But we likes Cogs even less...
Run the big ones off and we'll helps you we will.
Come back, yes, yes.

Creepy Carl:
We told you we would helps you.
So take this ring to the girl.

Vidalia VaVoom:
Oh darrrling!!! Thank you!!!
Oh, and I have something special for you as well.
You can now carry 120 jellybeans.

5.5 - Carry 4 ToonTasks (March Harry)

HQ Officer:
I hear March Harry is having some legal troubles.
Can you stop by and check it out?
March Harry's building is called "Snowshoes You Can't Refuse"...
...which is on Polar Place in The Brrrgh.

March Harry:
The Lawbots have really taken over out there.
I'm afraid they are going to take me to court.
Do you think you could help get them off of this street?

March Harry:
Thanks. I feel a little better now.
But there is one more thing...
Could you drop by Hysterical Harry's and get me an alibi?
Hysterical Harry's building is called "Snow Big Deal! Crisis Management"...
...which is on Walrus Way in The Brrrgh.

Hysterical Harry:
Alibi?! Why that's a great idea!
You'd better make it two!
I bet a Legal Eagle would have some...

Hysterical Harry:
Super! You'd better run these back to March Harry!

March Harry:
Whew! Am I ever relieved to have this.
Here's your reward...
You can now have 4 ToonTasks.

5.6 - Carry 4 ToonTasks (Hysterical Harry)

HQ Officer:
It sounds like Hysterical Harry could use some help.
Hysterical Harry's building is called "Snow Big Deal! Crisis Management"...
...which is on Walrus Way in The Brrrgh.
See ya, [Toon Name]!

Hysterical Harry:
Help!!! Help!!! I can't take it anymore!
Those Minglers are driving me batty!!!

Hysterical Harry:
Oh, thanks, but now it's the Corporate Raiders!!!
You've got to help me!!!

Hysterical Harry:
I realize now that it's those Loan Sharks!!!
I thought you were going to save me!!!

Hysterical Harry:
You know what, maybe it isn't the Cogs at all!
Could you ask Dee to make me a soothing potion? Maybe that would help....
Dee Frost's building is called "Dropping Degrees Diner"...
...which is on Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.

Dee Frost:
Oh, that Harry, he sure is a card!
I'll whip up something that will fix him right up!
Oh, I appear to be out of sardine whiskers...
Be a dear and run down to the pond and catch some for me.

Dee Frost:
Okay. Thanks, hon.
Here, now take this to Harry. It should calm him right down.

Hysterical Harry:
Oh thank goodness you're back!
Give me the potion, quick!!!
Glug, glug, glug...
That tasted awful!
You know, what, though? I feel much calmer. Now that I can think clearly, I realize that...
It was the Legal Eagles that were driving me crazy all this time!!!

Hysterical Harry:
Oh boy! Now I can relax!
I'm sure there's something here I can give you. Oh, take this!
You can now have 4 ToonTasks.

5.7 - Teleport access to The Brrrgh

HQ Officer:
Ever since the incident with the turnip bread, Grumpy Phil has been mad at Gus Gooseburger.
Maybe you could help Gus fix things between them?
Gus Gooseburger's building is called "Affordable Goosebumps"...
...which is on Walrus Way in The Brrrgh.

Gus Gooseburger:
Yeah, you probably heard Grumpy Phil is mad at me...
I was just trying to be nice with that turnip bread.
Maybe you can help cheer him up.
Phil really hates those Cashbot Cogs, especially their buildings.
If you reclaim some Cashbot buildings, it might help.

Gus Gooseburger:
That's terrific! Go tell Phil what you've done.
Grumpy Phil's building is called "The Frozen Nose"...
...which is on Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.
See you later!

Grumpy Phil:
Oh he did, did he?
That Gus thinks he can get off so easy, does he?
Only broke my tooth, he did, with that turnip bread of his!
Maybe if you took my tooth to Dr. Mumbleface for me he could fix it.
Grumble, grumble.

Dr. Mumbleface:
Yes, that tooth looks pretty bad, alrighty.
Maybe I can do something, but it will be a little while.
Maybe you could clear some of those Cashbot Cogs off the streets while you're waiting?
They're scaring off my customers.

Dr. Mumbleface:
I'm glad you're back!
I gave up trying to fix that old tooth, and made a new gold tooth for Phil instead.
Unfortunately a Robber Baron came in and took it from me.
Maybe you can catch him if you hurry.

Dr. Mumbleface:
Great, that's the tooth alrighty!
Why don't you just run it over to Phil for me?

Grumpy Phil:
Oh, thanks.
How's that look, huh?
Okay, you can tell Gus that I forgive him.

Gus Gooseburger:
Oh, that's great to hear.
I figured old Phil couldn't stay mad at me.
As a gesture of goodwill, I baked him this Pine cone bread.
Could you run it over to him for me?

Grumpy Phil:
Oh, what's this? For me?
Munch, munch...
Owwww! My tooth! That Gus Gooseburger!
Oh well, it wasn't your fault. Here, you can have this for your trouble.
You now have teleport access to The Brrrgh.

5.8 - +1 Laff (Chicken Boy)

HQ Officer:
Those sneaky Cogs are at it again.
Chicken Boy has reported another missing item. Stop by and see if you can straighten it out.
Chicken Boy's building is called "Pea Soup Cafe"...
...which is on Walrus Way in The Brrrgh.
See you later!

Chicken Boy:
Hi, [Toon Name]. I reckon I should thank you for coming.
A group of those Head Hunters came in and stole my soccer ball.
The leader told me that I had to make some cutbacks and just grabbed it away form me!
Can you get my ball back?

Chicken Boy:
Yeehaw! You found it!
Here, take your reward...
Your Laff limit has been increased by 1.

5.9 - +1 Laff (Wynne Chill)

HQ Officer:
You look like you could use more Laff points.
Maybe Wynne Chill could sort you out.
Wynne Chill's building is called "Snowmen Bought & Sold"...
...which is on Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.
Have fun in Toontown!

Wynne Chill:
So you're looking for Laff points, huh?
Have I got a deal for you!
Simply take care of a few [Lawbot / Bossbot] Cogs for me...
And I'll make it worth your while.

Wynne Chill:
You say you're done? Defeated all the Cogs?
You must have misunderstood, our deal was for Cashbot Cogs.
I'm sure I told you to defeat some [Sellbot / Cashbot] Cogs for me.

Wynne Chill:
Okay, but I'm certain I told you to round up some [Lawbot / Bossbot] Cogs.
Well, if you say so, but you owe me one.
Your Laff limit has been increased by 1.

5.10 - +1 Laff (Eddie the Yeti)

HQ Officer:
I can't help you with laff points, but maybe Eddie the Yeti will cut you a deal.
He's a little on the temperamental side though...
Eddie the Yeti's building is called "Snowman's Land"...
...which is on Polar Place in The Brrrgh.
So long, [Toon Name].

Eddie the Yeti:
A Laff point? I don't think so!
Sure, but only if you clear out some of these pesky Lawbots first.

Eddie the Yeti:
I told you what?!?!
Thanks a bunch! Here's your Laff point!
Your Laff limit has been increased by 1.

5.11 - +2 Laff

HQ Officer:
Sweaty Pete is starting to stink up the street.
Can you talk him into taking a shower or something?
Sweaty Pete's building is called "Heat-Get It While It's Hot"...
...which is on Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.
See ya, [Toon Name]!

Sweaty Pete:
Yeah, I guess I do work up quite a sweat in here.
Mmmm, maybe if I could fix that leaky pipe in my shower...
I figure a gear from one of those tiny Cogs would do the trick.
Go find a gear from a Micromanager and we'll try it.

Sweaty Pete:
Yup, that seemed to do the trick.
But I get lonely when I shower...
Could you go fish me up a rubber ducky to keep me company?

Sweaty Pete:
The ducky's great, but...
All those buildings around here make me nervous.
I'd feel a lot more relaxed if there were fewer buildings around.

Sweaty Pete:
Hello, [Toon Name]!
Okay. I'll shower up now. And here's something for you too.
Your Laff limit has been increased by 2.

5.12 - +3 Laff

HQ Officer:
Lounge Lassard is supposed to be playing a gig tonight.
I hear he might be having some trouble with his equipment.
Lounge Lassard's building is called "Snowball Hall"...
...which is on Walrus Way in The Brrrgh.
long, [Toon Name].

Lounge Lassard:
Oh yeah! I could sure use some help.
Those Cogs came in and swiped all my gear while I was unloading the van.
Can you give me a hand and get back my microphone?

Lounge Lassard:
Yeah, that's my microphone all right.
Thanks for getting it for me, but...
I really need my keyboard so I can tickle the ivories.
I think one of those Minglers got my keyboard.

Lounge Lassard:
All right! Now I'm in business.
If only they hadn't taken my platform shoes...
Those shoes probably ended up with a Mr. Hollywood, if I had to guess.

Lounge Lassard:
Allright!! I'm ready now.
Hello Brrrgh!!!
Huh? Where is everyone?
Okay, take this and round me up some fans, huh?
Your Laff limit has been increased by 3.

5.13 - Final Gag Training

HQ Officer:
It's time to see Lil Oldman, the Blizzard Wizard, for your final test.
Lil Oldman's building is called "The Blizzard Wizard"...
...which is on Walrus Way in The Brrrgh.
See you later!

Lil Oldman:
Aha, you are back.
Before we begin, we must eat.
Bring us some [lumpy cheese / caviar] for our broth.
[Lumpy cheese / Caviar] can only be gathered from [The Big Cheeses / Mr. Hollywoods].

Lil Oldman:
A simple man eats with a simple spoon.
A Cog took my simple spoon, so I simply can not eat.
Return my spoon to me. I think a [Big Wig / Robber Baron] took it.

Lil Oldman:
Many thanks.
Slurp, slurp...
Ahhh, now you must catch a talking toad. Try fishing in the pond.

Lil Oldman:
Oh, that is certainly a talking toad. Give him to me.
What's that you say, toad?
Uh huh.
Uh huh...
The toad has spoken. We need dessert.
Bring us some ice cream cones from Sticky George.
The toad likes red bean flavored ice cream, for some reason.
Sticky George's building is called "The Melting Ice Cream Bar"...
...which is on this street.

Sticky George:
So, the Blizzard Wizard sent you.
I'm sad to say we're fresh out of red bean ice cream cones.
You see, a bunch of Cogs came in and just took them.
They said they were for [The Big Cheese / Mr. Hollywood], or some such nonsense.
I'd sure appreciate if you could round them back up for me.

Sticky George:
Thanks for bringing back my ice cream cones!
Here's one for Lil Oldman.

Lil Oldman:
Very good. Here you go toad...
Slurp, slurp...
Okay, now we are almost ready.
If you can just bring me some powder to dry my hands.
I think those [Big Wig / Mr. Hollywood] Cogs sometimes have powder from their wigs.

Lil Oldman:
As I once said, to truly throw a pie, you must throw not with the hand...
...but with the soul.
I know not what that means, so I will sit and contemplate while you restore buildings.
Return when you have completed your task.

Lil Oldman:
Although I still know not what I am talking about, you truly are worthy.
I give you a final task...
The talking toad would like a girlfriend.
Find another talking toad. The toad has spoken.

Lil Oldman:
Whew! I am tired from all this effort. I must rest now.
Here, take your reward and be off.
You may now carry and use "[Chosen Track]" gags.